Harun Zafer

Harun Zafer

Software Engineer
NLP Enthusiast

JavaFX with Spring Boot Part-03: Advanced Integration

In the previous article, we’ve seen a basic/minimal integration of Spring boot with JavaFX. In this article we’re going to see some extra wiring up to get the most out of Spring Boot.

Creating the Application Context

In the previous article, we had extended JavaFX’s Application abstract class by overriding its start method. start method and its close counter part are called on the UI thread. On the other hand the init method is called on a non-ui thread and the start is only called after the init method returns. This makes the init method the perfect place to create our ApplicationContext.

  private ConfigurableApplicationContext context;

  public void init() {
      ApplicationContextInitializer<GenericApplicationContext> initializer =
              context -> {
                  context.registerBean(Application.class, () -> JavaFxApp.this);
                  context.registerBean(Parameters.class, this::getParameters);
      this.context = new SpringApplicationBuilder()
              .run(getParameters().getRaw().toArray(new String[0]));

Closing the Application Context

According to the official docs, stop method “provides a convenient place to prepare for application exit and destroy resources”. It is the right place to close the application context as well as to terminate the UI thread by calling Platform.exit().

  public void stop() {

Decoupling UI Creation Code from the Application Configuration Code

In the previous article, we had overridden the start method as follows. Since we only want application-wide initialization and termination related code in the JavaFxApp class, this is not ideal.

    public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
        Pane helloPane = new Pane(new Label("Hello JavaFx"));
        primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(helloPane, 200, 100));

Spring provides a great way of communication among components by firing events. We will be using this feature for various things in the upcoming articles. For now, let us make use of it to move the UI creation code in its own place. Since start method is called when the stage object is ready (in other words JavaFX application thread aka UI thread is ready), we want to publish an event in the start method and handle the event in some where else.

Let’s first create an event class for our case.

public class StageReadyEvent extends ApplicationEvent {

    private final Stage stage;

    public StageReadyEvent(Stage stage) {
        this.stage = stage;

Then create a Listener for this type of event. Since we’ll be creating various events and listeners in the future, it is good the create a new package called event and put all events and their corresponding listeners there. Also, I highly recommend XYZEvent and XYZEventListener pattern for naming event and listener classes.

public class StageReadyEventListener implements ApplicationListener<StageReadyEvent> {

    private final ApplicationContext applicationContext;
    private final String applicationTitle;

    public StageReadyEventListener(ApplicationContext applicationContext,
                                   @Value("${app.title}") String applicationTitle) {
        this.applicationTitle = applicationTitle;
        this.applicationContext = applicationContext;

    public void onApplicationEvent(StageReadyEvent event) {
        Stage stage = event.getStage();
        Pane helloPane = new Pane(new Label("Hello JavaFx"));
        stage.setScene(new Scene(helloPane, 200, 100));

With @Component annotation, spring will take care of creating a StageReadyEventListener object for us. The ApplicationContext we’ve created in the init method will be injected into the constructor by Spring as well. Let’s make use of another Spring goodie by defining a title for our application in the application.properties file.

app.title=Hello JavaFX with Spring Boot

As you can see, with the @Value annotation above, Spring will inject the value automatically for us. This way we can keep all application configuration in the application.properties and access them where ever we wan’t. Isn’t that cool? Note that we could do the same for the Hello JavaFx text of the Label. I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader.

Finally, lets publish the event in the start method.

  public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
      this.context.publishEvent(new StageReadyEvent(primaryStage));

We’re ready to run our application. You should see something similar.

spring initialz configuration

In the next article, we’ll use FXWeaver.

Source code for this article can be found here